

With the help of above function, I have tried to validate the block. But there is an error with

        case "define" then

This is whole code as below

// Kalman_Filter_IF.sci
// The interface file for the generic Kalman Filter block.
// This block is externally activated to take measurements data.
// Takes the continuous positions velocity or accelerations as input, adds some 
// errors (noise, scale, nonlinearity, misalignment) and gives
// it as the output.

// Abbrev.
// IF: Inertial Frame, BF: Body Frame, 

// Model input: 
// 2x2 Real - State vector with position and velocity BF w.r.t. IF 
// 1 Real - Covariance vector

// Model output:
// 2x2 Real - Single axis gyro measurement output w.r.t. BF
// 1x1 Real - Error flag
// 0: No error
// 1: Positive saturation error
// 2: Negative saturation error

// Model states:
// 1x1 Real - Random walk error

// Model parameters:
// 2x2 Real - State Vector measurement unit vector w.r.t. BF (Unit vector)
// 1x1 Real - Noise mean (bias) of the sensors
// 1x1 Real - Noise stddev of the sensors
// 1x1 Real - Scale error
// 2x1 Real - Misalignment error 
// 1x1 Real - Random walk error
function [x, y, typ] = Kalman_Filter_IF(job, arg1, arg2)
    x = [];
    y = [];
    typ = [];
    getInputFromSim = 1;
    initial_state = [0.1; 0.0];                 // 2*1 matrix
    initial_covariance = [1.0, 0.0; 0.0, 1.0];  // 2*2 matrix
    select job
        // Initialize with mask parameters if any
        case "plot" then
        case "getinputs" then
            [x, y, typ] = standard_inputs(arg1);
        case "getoutputs" then
            [x, y, typ] = standard_outputs(arg1);
        case "getorigin" then
            [x, y] = standard_origin(arg1);

        case "set" then
            // Assignments here comes after assignments of the execution with the "define" flag 
            x = arg1;  // This line is essential, otherwise gives "Invalid index." error.
            graphics = arg1.graphics;
            exprs = graphics.exprs;
            model = arg1.model;
            if getInputFromSim == 1 then
                exec("macros/Kalman_Filter_Utils.sci",-1); // Not sure about this line in MATLAB, comment it if not necessary
                title = "Set Parameter";
                labels = ['Initial state [x_dot(velocity), x(position)] which is position in ECEF frame and velocity'; 
                          'Covariance which gives the uncertainty at position and velocity'];
                // Changed 'Stiffness' to 'Covariance'
                // In future we can add {'Accelerations', 'Orientations which is obation altitude control system'}
                types = list('vec', 2, 'mat', [2,2]);  // Changed 'vec' to 'mat' for Covariance
                endLoop = %f;
                // Create a dialog for getting user inputs
                while ~endLoop do
                    // Initialize dialog for parameters and initial state
                    [ok, State, Covariance, exprs] = getvalue(title, labels, types, exprs); 
                    errMsg = [];

                    // Check return set conditions of the initial state as per meetings
                    if ok then
                        // depends on what type of data we are having
                        if State<0 then // first condition of position and velocity
                            errMsg = ["The velocity is negative [m/s]"];

                        if Covariance<0 then // second condition of velocity
                            errMsg = [errMsg; 'Kalman_Filter_IF: There is an no noise present in covariance as it is negative!'];

                        if isempty(errMsg) then
                            disp("Setting parameters...");
                            [model.rpar, isError] = EncodeRparIpar_KF(model.rpar, State, Covariance);
                            graphics.exprs = exprs;
                            x.graphics = graphics;
                            x.model = model;
                            endLoop = %t;
                            // Check parameters
                            // You can add additional checks for input parameters here if needed
                            // Accept inputs and save them
                            error(errMsg, 20000);
                            endLoop = %f;
                        warning('Kalman_Filter_IF: Set: Cancel!');
                        endLoop = %t;
                model.state = [concatAB(initial_state,initial_covariance)];
                model.rpar = initial_covariance;  // Use the covariance matrix as a parameter
                graphics.exprs = exprs;
                x.graphics = graphics;
                x.model = model;
                message("Failed to update block io");
            // Concatenate the covariance matrix to the state vector
            // model.state = [State; Covariance(:)];  // Use the concatenation operator ":" for the matrix
        // Define block properties
        case "define" then
            // Create object
            model = scicos_model();
            // Provide name and type
            model.sim = list('Kalman_Filter_sim', 5); // what is case 4 and 5? 
            // Define inputs and outputs
            // One input with a variable-size "double" element
            model.in = [2;2]; // first dimension of the first input whcih is row  2*1 and 2*2 hence it will be [2;2]
            model.in2 = [1;2];   // the second dimension of I/P port is [1;2] from above 
            model.intyp = [1;1];  // all the vector and matrices are real value
            model.out = [2;2];  // first dimension of the first output whcih is row  2*1 and 2*2 hence it will be [2;2]
            model.out2 =  [1;2]; // the second dimension of O/P port is [1;2] from above 
            model.outtyp = [1;1];  // all the vector and matrices are real value
            //model.state = [initial_state,matrix(initial_covariance)];   // Use the matrix concatenation operator ":" to convert matrix to column vector          model.state=[State;Covariance]
            model.state = [concatAB(initial_state,initial_covariance)];
            model.rpar = [initial_covariance(:)];  // Use the covariance matrix as a parameter
            // Define block properties
            model.blocktype = "c";
            model.dep_ut = [%t,%f]; // what does %t and %f indicates? true and false
            // Set block properties
            exprs = ["[0.1; 0.0]";"1.0, 0.0; 0.0, 1.0"]; // How do we get this value?
            x = standard_define([4 4], model, exprs);
            x.graphics.style = ['blockWithLabel;displayedLabel=Kalman_Filter'];
            // other cases other than set or define sections

After line 89, it showing an error
** msg =

status =

T **
Can anyone direct me what is this error means?


Using your code and calling it with Kalman_Filter_IF("define"), I got :




at line   108 of function Kalman_Filter_IF ( E:\nosave\Documents\Kalman_Filter_IF.sci line 139 )

Undefined variable: concatAB

It seems you have to concatenate the initial_state to the initial_covariance in model.state. With some editing, I was able to fix the call with:

model.state = [initial_state ; initial_covariance(:)];

Can you please provide me some option so that I can share .zip file with you? It is multiple file with inbuilt toolbox built up.


1- Execute builder.sce which is outside of the folder
2-then execute runSim.sce

if there is an issue then run utils file from macros which is Kalman_Filter_Utils.sce then follow step 1 and step 2. Thank you sir.

This is the issue if you dont run Utils file first then function is not executed and we are calling the functions. Hence please run/execute the Kalman_Filter_Utils.sce file then repeat all steps like

1- Execute builder.sce which is outside of the folder
2-then execute runSim.sce