XCos super block generation

I have some applications with complex numbers. a + ib.
“Basis SciLab” is fine. No problems. But XCos …

MOST of my attempts to automatically generate a superblock fail. The complete simulation (that was fine before) doesn’t work with the superblock. Results are not updated at all.

My work around: I do it manually, block by block. That takes a lot of unnesserary time, but later it works. I suspect it’s because of the “ports”.

Thus I start with a composition of very simple blocks (& etc.), in such way, that I get the proper count of inputs and outputs. I then generate a superblock (that I don’t really need), erase all content and exchange it with the truly needed contents. I even avoid complex ports; separate in Real and Imaginary and “later” combine the complex number again. But that takes a lot of time. (it sucks?)

I use Windows 11 with the latest SciLab version; but it was the same with Win 10 and SciLab 5.5 or 6.1.

Can you help me?

For me MatLab/Simulink is available at work, but I prefer open source (also for our students).

I appreciate you support.

Hi @JBosselmann ,

Do you have a small use-case that we could use to reproduce your problem? If yes, do not hesitate to report an issue with your diagram as attachement on GitLab: Issues · scilab / scilab · GitLab

Thank for using Xcos.

I think there is issue with some tutorial. Proper explanations is not given or most of the stuff is written in help section without example . I prefer to play with example and work on it.