Xcos diagram crashes Scilab

Hello, I have a simulation that looks like this.

but every time i run it, scilab closes all windows. Does someone have an idea what is happening there and could help me out?

Thanks in advance.
anfang drehmomentbildung.zcos (4.3 KB)


Can you add the .zcos file of your diagram in your post (click the pencil icon to edit your messge and drop the file in the edit window) ?


Using Modelica blocks needs to have a compiler installed on your system. Under Windows you can install Visual Studio or the Atoms MinGW toolbox. Which version of Scilab do you use ? The recommended version is the latest, i.e. 2023.1.0.

I installed the Atoms MinGW toolbox, but after i restarted scilab this report appears:
Mingw Compiler support for Scilab
Load macros
WARNING: MinGW Compiler not detected.
Load help
do you know how i can help scilab to detect the compiler?

Did you through the whole install process (you have to install the GCC package before installing the minGW toolbox) ? Please have a look to this post: Using a compiler (mingw/ gcc).

I have similar applications, that work.

This is not a Coselica application, it looks like standard XCos blocks (electric library).
Therefore a compilation is not necessary.

I assume, the problem in the X delay function. What is it’s purpose?

Best regards. Juergen

P.S. I also installed Coselica (twice up to now). It works, if you follow the procedure. I installed an older version of the gnu-compiler (8.3.0 worked well).

Coselica-Installation (not every compiler works, I used GNU V 8.3.0).

Coselica-Installation (not every compiler works, I used GNU V 8.3.0).

Ich glaube die leute hier verstehe nicht deutsch so besser auf english schreiben. Foto auch muss in english sein.