Toolbox Rebuild Xcos to Serial Port

Hope, i put this request right.

Can you rebuild following toolbox for Scilab 2023 Windows x64?


I just updated the toolbox for Scilab 2023.1.0: it is now available for Windows (a simple recompilation made it) and macOS (a small fix in the sources was needed). Linux build has some issues but will be available soon. Please report any problems using the toolbox in this thread.


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Thank you very much for your support!

Unfortunatly this block is not supporting the language of my embedded system.

What is the best way to build my own Xcos Block.

I need a COM Block Port with Block parameters like Baudrate, Port number etc. which can send messages and read messages from my embedded device



Can be more precise ?
When I open the block I can set all the parameters you are talking about:

However, the provided C-code has to be customized for your device (example is given for an Arduino).


Thank you for your very quick respond, Stéphane. I really appreciate your support, because it seems to be very difficult to find a solution for my issue.

“WG Serial Xcos IO Block” uses Data in Base64 Format.
I cannot rewrite the Code on my embedded device. The serial Toolbox is already helping me a lot.

How can I use the serial commands in Xcos, writing / reading to Com Port?
How can I create my own Block that will fit my needs?

Is there an example or tutorial available, how to create my own Block or change the
“WG Serial Xcos IO Block”.

I tried to use the scifunc Block, but it is difficult to handover parameters between openserial, readserial, writserial and closeserial.