Scicos_new: Wrong value for input argument #2: unable to set "model"

function [x, y, typ] = Kalman_Filter_IF(job, arg1, arg2)
    x = [];
    y = [];
    typ = [];
    getInputFromSim = 1;
    funcprot(0) // Use funcprot(0) to avoid this message it happen when we see inbuilt funcitons by system

    // getinput
    z = [3.1948799;-1.3840684;2.3774667]
    State = [3.1948799;-1.3840684;2.3774667]
    Covariance = [];
    select job
        // Initialize with mask parameters if any
    case "plot" then
    case "getinputs" then
        [x, y, typ] = standard_inputs(arg1);

    case "getoutputs" then
        [x, y, typ] = standard_outputs(arg1);

    case "getorigin" then
        [x, y] = standard_origin(arg1);
                        disp (graphics)
        case 'set'
                    // Assignments here comes after assignments of the execution with the "define" flag 
            x = arg1;  // This line is essential, otherwise gives "Invalid index." error.
            graphics =;
            exprs = graphics.exprs;
            model = arg1.model;
        if getInputFromSim == 1 then
                exec('macros/Kalman_Filter_Utils.sci', -1); // Not sure about this line in MATLAB, comment it if not necessary
                title = "Set Parameter";
                labels = ['Initial state [x_dot(velocity), x(position)] which is position in ECEF frame and velocity','Covariance which gives the uncertainty at position and velocity'];  // Changed 'Stiffness' to 'Covariance'
                // In future we can add {'Accelerations', 'Orientations which is obation altitude control system'}
                types = list('mat', [2,2], 'mat', [2,2]);  // Changed 'vec' to 'mat' for Covariance
                endLoop = %f;
                // Create a dialog for getting user inputs
            while ~endLoop do
                    // Initialize dialog for parameters and initial state
                    [ok, State, Covariance, exprs] = scicos_getvalue(title, labels, types, exprs);
                    errMsg = [];

                    // Check return set conditions of the initial state as per meetings
                    if ~ok then
                        // depends on what type of data we are having
                        if condition1 // first condition of position and velocity
                            errMsg = [];
                        if condition2 // second condition of velocity
                            errMsg = [];
                    if isempty(errMsg) then
                        [model.rpar, isError] = EncodeRpar_KF(model.rpar, State, Covariance);
                        graphics.exprs = exprs;
               = graphics;
                        x.model = model;
                        endLoop = %t;
                    // Check parameters
                    // You can add additional checks for input parameters here if needed

                    // Accept inputs and save them
                        error(errMsg, 20000);
                        endLoop = %f;
                    warning('Kalman_Filter_IF: Set: Cancel!');
                    endLoop = %t;
            graphics.exprs = exprs;
   = graphics;
            x.model = model;

                        // Concatenate the covariance matrix to the state vector
                       // model.state = [State; Covariance(:)];  // Use the concatenation operator ":" for the matrix

        // Define block properties
        case 'define'then
            // Create object
            model = scicos_model();

            // Provide name and type
            model.sim = {'Kalman_Filter_sim', 5}; // what is case 4 and 5?

            // Define inputs and outputs
            // One input with a variable-size "double" element
   = [1]; // it's only z,[-ve, complier will try to find appropriate size, 0 and +ve]
            // it has at first position occupies which means at first position is 1, 1 indicates that only one input value, see wriiten notes to understand
            model.in2 = [1];   // the second dimension of I/P whcih means all the data enter has one dimension data for example just z axis data while if it was 2 than we have input data of x and y if there is 3 then x,y,z so on. each column represents specific data. Same as above comment []
            model.intyp = 1;

            // One output with a single "double" element
            model.out = [1];
            model.out2 = [1];
            model.outtyp = [1];
            // Set default parameter
            model.rpar= [Covariance(:)];  // Use the covariance matrix as a parameter

            // Set initial state
            model.state = [State; Covariance(:)];   // Use the matrix concatenation operator ":" to convert matrix to column vector
            // Define block properties
            model.blocktype = 'c';
            model.dep_ut = [%t,%f]; // what does %t and %f indicates? true and false

            // Set block properties
            exprs = ['[0.0; 0.0]', '[1.0]']; // How do we get this value?
            x = standard_define([4 4], model, exprs);
   = ['blockWithLabel;displayedLabel=Kalman_Filter'];
            // other cases other than set or define sections

The code has issue with input data type and output data type. I read it but there is still issue with it. Can someone explain it in simple language for me?
The error is in the below part which is model and link of it

Now where is the isssue out of 6 data type input and output is difficult to locate it. Thank you.

Building blocks...
at line   114 of function        Kalman_Filter_IF   ( C:\Users\Vims\Desktop\spacecraft-gnc-tbx\macros\Kalman_Filter_IF.sci line 145 )
at line     1 of executed string 
at line    78 of function        tbx_build_blocks   ( C:\Program Files\scilab-2024.0.0\modules\modules_manager\macros\tbx_build_blocks.sci line 90 )
at line     7 of function        buildmacros        ( C:\Users\Vims\Desktop\spacecraft-gnc-tbx\macros\buildmacros.sce line 10 )
at line    14 of executed file   C:\Users\Vims\Desktop\spacecraft-gnc-tbx\macros\buildmacros.sce
at line    13 of function        tbx_builder        ( C:\Program Files\scilab-2024.0.0\modules\modules_manager\macros\tbx_builder.sci line 26 )
at line    40 of function        tbx_builder_macros ( C:\Program Files\scilab-2024.0.0\modules\modules_manager\macros\tbx_builder_macros.sci line 55 )
at line    35 of function        main_builder       ( C:\Users\Vims\Desktop\spacecraft-gnc-tbx\builder.sce line 45 )
at line    54 of executed file   C:\Users\Vims\Desktop\spacecraft-gnc-tbx\builder.sce

matrix: Wrong number of input argument(s): At least 2 expected.

When I changed the one line code is as below than I got above error .

         initial_state = [0.0; 0.0];                  // 2*1 matrix
         initial_covariance = [1.0, 0.0; 0.0, 1.0];  // 2*2 matrix
        model.state = [initial_state,matrix(initial_covariance)];