D-BookeR books in English?


Is there any chance that e.g. the books about XCOS could be translated and published in English?



In 2019 P. Moncorgé, from Dbooker , told me that the demand for book release about scilab was low, that’s probably why no work was done on the translation of the book about XCOS. It was published in 2014 , now the main author Yvon Degré is 75 years old and the second author Serge Steer is 70.

Hi Philippe, et al.

The books are from 2014? Wow, time flies. I remember when they were released.
The book which was translated into English was the Scilab I : Fundamentals.
I know D-BookeR must at least have sold some in English, I bought one for my work, so they can learn Scilab (and work with some scripts that I wrote).

Fundamentals is the one that most people would skip, because once you start using Scilab, the fundamentals you learn from reading online material, trying out stuff, forum posts, etc. It is therefore not a good indicator if it pays off to translate other books.

It would be much more beneficial to have more advanced topics translated, like the one about Xcos. I don’t have experience from e.g. Matlab Simulink to lean on, so with Xcos I start from scratch.
I see “Scilab II : Modeliser et simuler avec Xcos” is the second book in the series.

I repeat. Is there a chance we could have it translated into English?
Alternatively that 1) The books are released into public domain for PDF download and others can translate? Or maybe even write an updated version? I see that Yvon Degré and Serge Steer aren’t youngsters anymore, does it mean they have more spare time than ever? :slight_smile:
