Approximate a convolution product


This subject has been recently discussed on the mailing list but I think that it would be nice to replay the discussion with the tools of discourse (particularly math. formulas).

The subject is about the approximation of the convolution product of two causal functions x\rightarrow f(x) and x\rightarrow g(x), denoted here by h=f * g and

h(x)=\int_0^x f(x-t)g(t)dt = \int_0^x g(x-t)f(t)dt,

at discrete values of x given by x_i=i\delta, for integers i\geq 0 and \delta>0, given samples of f and g at x_i or Scilab functions computing their values at arbitrary values of x. A first remark is that even if f and g do not have this property, h is necessarily continuous and h(x_0)=h(0)=0. Then in both cases we have for i>0,

h(x_i)=\sum_{k=0}^{i-1}\int_{x_k}^{x_{k+1}} f(x_i-t)g(t)dt,

and the way we approximate the above inner integral determinates the ability to use a built-in Scilab function like convol(), which computes the discrete convolution between two vectors using the FFT.

Sampled case

In the first (sampled) case we only have the sampled values of f and g, that can be defined as f_i=f(x_i) and g_i=g(x_i) and if the inner integral is approximated by the left rectangle formula we have h_0=0 and for i>0

h_i\approx \delta\sum_{k=0}^{i-1}f_{i-k}g_k.

One can easily show that h_i is not equal to \delta times the i-th term of the discrete convolution f*g (where the sum is done up to i), unless f_0=0. Equivalently, if the right rectangle formula is used then we have the approximation

h_i\approx \delta\sum_{k=1}^{i}f_{i-k}g_k,

which is different from the i-th term of the discrete convolution f*g unless g_0=0. Hence, we can use convol() provided the rights arguments are given. We can illustrate this by an example, where f(x)=\mathbb{1}_{[0,1]}(x) and g(x)=\mathbb{1}_{[0,1]}(x)(1-x). We have in that case h(x)=\mathbb{1}_{[0,1]}(x)(x-x^2/2)+\mathbb{1}_{[1,2]}(x){(x-2)^2}/{2} and the following Scilab script compares h(x) and the approximations.

function y=f(x)
    y=0+(x>=0 & x<=1);
function y=g(x)
    y=(x>=0 & x<=1).*(1-x);
function y=h(x)
   y=(x>=0 & x<=2).*((x<=1).*(x-1/2*x.^2)+(x>=1).*(0.5*(x-2).^2))

h_left=convol([0 fd(2:$)],gd)*Ī“;
h_right=convol([0 gd(2:$)],fd)*Ī“;
legend("left rect.","right rect.","exact")

Figure nĀ°0

In fact we are tempted to improve this by taking the mean of these two approximations, which amounts to apply the trapezoidal rule, but the above graph shows that it wonā€™t improve the approximation in [1,2]. In fact in this interval the integrand t\rightarrow f(x-t)g(t) is not continuously differentiable, hence the trapezoidal rule does not attain its full order of approximation. We will see how to improve this in the next episode !

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Like I said in episode 1 it is possible to improve the approximation we obtained in the sampled case, but in order to fully understand what could look as a ā€œtrickā€, we need to consider the case when f(x) and g(x) can be evaluated at arbitrary values of x :

Continuous case

Since the integrand can be evaluated at x_{k+1/2}=(x_k+x_{k+1})/2 we can use the midpoint rule, hence h(x_i) can be approximated for i>0 by

\begin{align} h_i&=\delta\sum_{k=0}^{i-1} f(x_i-x_{k+1/2})g(x_{k+1/2}), \\ &=\delta\sum_{k=0}^{i-1} f(x_{i-(k+1/2)})g(x_{k+1/2}), \end{align}

the i-th term of the discrete convolution of discrete sequences f and g given by f_i=f(x_{i+1/2}) and g_i=g(x_{i+1/2}) (the boundary value h_0=0 is not computed by this formula).

If we consider the same example as before, the following Scilab code computes the new approximation of x\rightarrow h(x).

h_mid=[0 convol(f(xdh),g(xdh)) 0]*Ī“;
legend("trapezoidal rule","midpoint rule","exact")

Figure nĀ°0

We have added the approximation given by the trapezoidal rule. Compared to the latter, the midpoint rule does a perfect job. In the general case we could improve this by taking higher order quadrature formulas (see e.g. if the regularity of the integrand diserves it, but thatā€™s not the point here.

Back to discrete case

We cannot directly apply the midpoint rule, but we can approximate values of f and g at x_{k+1/2} by linear interpolation:

\begin{align}f(x_{k+1/2})&\approx\frac{1}{2}(f(x_{k})+f(x_{k+1})),\\ g(x_{k+1/2})&\approx\frac{1}{2}(g(x_{k})+g(x_{k+1})), \end{align}

this gives the following results:

plot(xdd,[0 convol(fdh,gdh)*Ī“ 0],'o',x,h(x),"r")
legend("midpoint-like rule","exact")

Figure nĀ°1
We have a perfect match (up to machine precision) again. In fact, this is due (as for the continous case) to the particular functions we have chosen, but this gives a good method in the general case.

Take care when you use digital signal and analog signal. Both digital signal processing and analog signal processing give the same iff you correctly applied the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem. It is not enough to pick up samples anywhere to get digital signal processing: The rectangular or trapezoidal rules are approximations that fit more or less well depending one the processing used. But, Fourier transform, convolution, filterā€¦ are well defined in both analog and digital spaces thanks to Nyquist-Shannon (and others). There exists many articles, booksā€¦ dedicated to that. I have in mind new approach on analog-digital equivalence presented on conference at the beginning of this millenniumā€¦ If I find the reference,I will share them.

Found: EPFL | Biomedical Imaging Group | Unified Theory but only as a starting point, Iā€™m not able to replay the talk :frowning:

Hello jean-Yves,

Thanks for your remark but thatā€™s not (completely) the point here (maybe the topic should have been started elsewhere).The initial topic in the ML was about the correct computation of a convolution product between probability distributions in a statistics problem, hence, this is not signal processing.

The talk seems VERY interesting (I just read the abstract), thanks !

Here are the links to the paper of M. User:



  • We have an object consisting of many (~10,000) small components that can fail in a statistical way during long-term operation at extreme conditions.
  • Our primary failure model #1 is described by Ī¦(t) going monotonically from zero to one at times from t=0 onwards. In the computer, this is realized in n timesteps.
  • Ļˆ(t) is the time derivative of Ī¦.
  • Mechanism #2: There is a secondary failure mechanism that starts only when a component has failed by mechanism 1 and occurs after some delay. The delay function is g(t) and final expression for the evolution of the mechanism #2 failure is given by:
  • F(t) = Int_{0}^{t} {Ļˆ(Ļ„) . g(t-Ļ„)} dĻ„ , a classical convolution integral where Ļˆ=dĪ¦/dt is the failure rate in mechanism #1.

To solve this problem, the Scilab code example (below) uses the routine ā€œconvā€ successfully thanks to the support of StĆ©phane Mottelet and the Scilab community.

m=2;  TT=3e6;
k=1E-7;      // failure rate constant (s-1) in mechanism  #1
n=500;       // number of time steps in hourly intervals
t=(1:n)';    // timesteps in hours
ts= 3600*t;  // timesteps in seconds
PHI= 1 - exp(-((k*ts)^m)); // failure fraction in mechanism #1
plot("nl", t,  PHI, 'r--'); xgrid
function y=f(t) //failure rate by derivative mechanism #1
  ts=3600*t;y=3600*m*k*((k*ts)^(m-1)) .* exp(-((k*ts)^m));
function y=g(t) // delay to failure mechanism #2
y= 1 - exp(-3600*t/TT);
h=[0 conv(f((1/2:n)), g((1/2:n))) 0];
plot(th(1:501), max(1e-8, h(1:501)), 'b-');
legend('primary failure fraction', 'secondary failure fraction', 4);
xlabel('time (hours)');
ylabel('failure fraction');


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