Aeraulics install error


I’m new to Scilab and xcos. This seems very usable tool for our purposes. Hopsan was too complex to learn. Right now I’m trying to simulate a pneumatic and vacuum system. I’m hoping the aeraulics library could be used in this. I was able to install Coselica just fine. Is there other pneumatic, vacuum or gas simulation components available?

I’ve downloaded the aeraulics library from openeering and now I’m trying to install it. I extracted the zip package to C:\Program Files\scilab-2024.1.0\modules\xcos_toolbox_aeraulics\ and I made sure the files and folder are writable. And then I get the error below when loading the toolbox.

exec loader.sce

exec('C:\Program Files\scilab-2024.1.0\modules\xcos_toolbox_aeraulics\loader.sce',-1)
at line    46 of executed file C:\Program Files\scilab-2024.1.0\modules\xcos_toolbox_aeraulics\loader.sce

Undefined operation for the given operands.
check or define function %c_a_ce for overloading.

Line 46 in loader.sce:
scifile = pathconvert(wdir) + blockname + “.sci”;

Thanks in advance

Edits: submitted too early

C compiler check command returns: True


The Open engineering site has not been updated since 2015 (9 years ago), and the Aeraulics toolbox has not been updated since that date. Try to contact the toolbox authors to see if they can help you to update it for Scilab 2024.0.
I can’t help you, as I did not manage to download it from the Open engineering site.


I’ll try older version of scilab next week.

The source of the toolbox seems completely unavailable except for people having downloaded it before the site was completely off. It is not even possible to register. So, unless the toolbox is made available to the public, there won’t be any support from the Scilab team. As you seem to have the toolbox, can you share it here if its license allows it (you can drag and drop the zip file in a new post).

However, the provided blocks (see seem to be quite easy to reproduce as the Modelica source of each block is given in the referenced document.



I was able to register and download the package last weekend. The license allows redistribution so here’s a link:

I have to take a look into how to make my own blocks.

Line 42 in loader.sce:

blockname = blocknames(i);

should be replaced by

blockname = blocknames{i};

There is no error anymore, but the palette does not seem to be added.
