Using graypolarplot

Dear Scilabers

I am trying to utilize graypolarplot

I can execute the sample script in the documentation, but when I apply my own data, there is no details, everything is just red colored.

I think it is because default strf = “030” … so, I would like to use “020” (or “040”) instead, but whenever I apply this option, Scilab gives me an index error.

Can someone help me, by showing how do I provide this option to graypolarplot?

I have looked in C:\Program Files\scilab-2024.0.0\modules\graphics\macros\graypolarplot.sci …

nv = size(varargin)
if nv>=1
    strf = varargin(2)

Since the string property (“020”) is supposed to be the second varargin, what do I put into the first varargin??

With kind regards,

Hello @cfuttrup

Nice catch, seems this problem has been there since the first version of graypolarplot(). I just opened an issue about it: graypolarplot() fails when called with 4 or 5 input arguments. (#17288) · Issues · scilab / scilab · GitLab

Best regards.

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