I can’t use GUI Builder in Scilab 2023.1.0: I get errors everywhere…
For example, if I try to open an existing “.sce” file of a previous generated GUI, I get this error:
at line 17 of function openfile ( C:\Program Files\scilab-2023.1.0\contrib\guibuilder\4.2.1\macros\openfile.sci line 20 )
at line 9 of function open_existing_gui ( C:\Program Files\scilab-2023.1.0\contrib\guibuilder\4.2.1\macros\open_existing_gui.sci line 10 )Undefined variable: eval
If I try to create a new GUI and insert a Pushbutton in the app windows, when I move/resize it, I get only “eval” errors…
Can anyone use the “GUI Builder” in “Scilab 2023.1.0”?