Hi all,
I’d like to install the latest Gui Builder release from Windows10 Scilab 2024.1.0 but unfortunatly it failed whenever using atoms gui or installation from the command line:
atomsInstall: Error while building the toolbox ‘C:\Users\dc227480\AppData\Local\scilab-2024.1.0\contrib\guibuilder\4.2.3’.
→ atomsInstall guibuilder
atomsInstall: Error while building the toolbox ‘C:\Users\dc227480\AppData\Local\scilab-2024.1.0\contrib\guibuilder\4.2.3’.
à la ligne 52 de la fonction atomsError ( C:\Users\dc227480\AppData\Local\scilab-2024.1.0\modules\atoms\macros\atoms_internals\atomsError.sci ligne 66 )
à la ligne 403 de la fonction atomsInstall ( C:\Users\dc227480\AppData\Local\scilab-2024.1.0\modules\atoms\macros\atomsInstall.sci ligne 419 )
Any clue or workaround to solve this issue ?
Thank you,
Did you try to build the toolbox from source ?
I just downloaded the source archive from ATOMS guibuilder 4.2.3, build the module and it is now loaded successfully into scilab 2024.1.0: thanks !
I was misled by the message from atomsinstall, that was mentionning it was building the toolbox, whenever it probably start trying to load the binaries first.
atomsInstall: Error while building the toolbox
atomsInstall: Error while building the toolbox ‘C:\Users\dc227480\AppData\Local\scilab-2024.1.0\contrib\guibuilder\4.2.3’.
In addition, when loading the module guibuilder is stating version 4.2…2 instead of 4.2.3 : minor update in the source of the builder required ? also for the binaries ?
→ exec(“builder.sce”,-1)
Création des macros…
– Création de [guibuilderlib] (Macros) –
genlib : Traitement du fichier : guimenueditor.sci
Génération de loader.sce…
Génération de unloader.sce…
→ exec(“loader.sce”)
→ // This file is released under the 3-clause BSD license. See COPYING-BSD.
→ // Generated by builder.sce: Please, do not edit this file
→ oldmode = mode(); mode(-1);
START GUI Builder 4.2.2
Load macros
Load help
Type “guibuilder” to start the GUI
Thank you,
I rebuilt the toolbox for Scilab 2024.x and updated the binary on Atoms. Thanks for the manual rebuild test! In fact we don’t have an automatic rebuilding service on Atoms when Scilab versions bumps and we rely on an on-the-fly rebuild on the client machine. However it fails sometimes, even for toolboxes that have only macros and that successfully rebuild when done manually. We have to investigate that further…