Hello Stéphane.
Maybe your question can be placed in a seperate topic linking to this topic?
Absolutely I do not have any problem using the available toolboxes and my aim is not to replace them in any way. To me the whole thing is based on interest.
I do use IPCV and scicv a lot … although I sometimes run in issues like:
is defined in both toolboxes.
I just recognized some things:
- Toolboxes have to be rebuild for every Scilab major release.
Comments like this are the result:
The scicv toolbox has been rebuilt for Scilab 2025.0 (Windows).
see: Scicv toolbox for Windows 2025.0
The IPCV toolbox has been rebuilt for Scilab 2025.0 (Windows).
see: Unable to install IPCV - #2 by stefa24
The new version 4.2.3 of guibuilder toolbox is now available and running fine in Scilab 2023.1.
see: Scilab 2023.1.0 and GUI Builder
I do understand, that toolboxes had to be rebuild after changing from < Scilab 6.x.x
to the new releases.
What confuses me is that toolboxes need to be rebuild when changing from
Scilab 2023
to e.g. Scilab 2025
…at least it seems to be like this.
Please correct me, but to me it is a confusing when toolboxes have to keep track of scilab releases and need to be rebuild for every scilab release.
Best Regards,