Problem with the SIMM module

Hello, I’m a French student and I can’t load the sims module on my MacBook Air, can someone help me ? I have installed Xcode to read the code and when I launched the processus it is written that : Start COSELICA module
Load macros
Load palette: Coselica - Blocks
Load palette: Coselica - Electrical
Load palette: Coselica - Heat transfer
Load palette: Coselica - Mechanics/Translational
Load palette: Coselica - Mechanics/Rotational
Load palette: Coselica - Mechanics/Planar
Load palette: Coselica - Components
Load help
Load demos
Load Modelica Equations
Coselica Version: 2024.0.0
atomsLoad : An error has occurred while loading the ‘SIMM-0.6.2’:
exec: error on line #172: “Undefined variable : cos_utils_lib”

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As part of my internship, I’m working with Scilab/Xcos software. However, I’m having problems with the C compiler (Mingw) and the SIMM module, which don’t work at all. This is preventing me from making progress in my work.

I would like you to help me solve this problem.

I enclose screenshots of the error messages.

I thank you in advance.

With kind regards,
atomsLoad : Une erreur s’est produite lors du chargement du ‘SIMM-0.6.2’ :
exec : erreur sur la ligne #172 : « Variable non définie : cos_utils_lib »