Instrument Control

Hi, my Name is Pascal and i’am working with instruments and homeworking systems like Bacnet.
But the subject here is, that it would be nice to have a full VISA toolbox again, with Serial, GPIB, USB and TCP/IP. some kind of one toolbox for any physical interface. Also BACnet and MQTT would be nice.

M.f.G. Pascal


When you say “a full VISA toolbox again” does it mean that such a toolbox did exist in the past but was not ported to recent versions of Scilab ?


No till scilab 6.02 there was a VISA Tollbox and then since then not supported anymore. Maybe i have overseen the tollbox here but there was one once.

Google gave me these hits:


The bad news is that this old toolbox is not open source. It is highly unprobable that it would be recompiled in the future.


At least this, thank you. But VISA should be opensource maby we could take the IVI Visa?

M.f.G. Pascal

The problem is that the gateways sources were closed source. So even if IVI Visa is considered (instead of the proprieraty DLL) everything has to be done again.There is a package in Octave forge ( but adapting to Scilab an Octave package is not that easy.


Well it was worth questioning it. for Bacnet i have done it with the Windowstack and always made some dos commands. MQTT and WS i could make the same if there were a curl update. There are many serial toolboxes, but not an official one. Maybe there is a GPIB exe or in the future I will go over IP?. Well i think i will go or rest with python till now. But we will see how scilab is developing. Maybe I will come back later.

OK. Till now thanks for the Answers.

M.f.G. Pascal

If i want a serial connection with putty, can i do it with scilab? i can open putty from console but not piping the datas trought scilab console or is there a way over powershell?

M.f.G. Pascal

Do you know this Scilab toolbox : ?

yes, but it is old and not so good you can not read raw or line it is minor to pyserial and well maybe there something better?