How can I select parts of a list of vectors?


a = (3-elements list)

(1) = [4,5]
(2) = [5,6]
(3) = [6,7]

I want to get the second and third element of this list.
So I choose

B = [1x2 double]

and get only


ans = [1x2 double]

However for scalars this works: For

b = [3x1 double]

I get


ans = [2x1 double]

What is wrong?

Hello and welcome to Scilab’s discourse !

In general (when the index is not a scalar), list indexing yields multiple output arguments (not a list), you have to either give the right number of objects in the lhs:

l = list(1,2,3,4);
[a,b] = l(2:3)
 a = 


 b = 


otherwise you only get the first output in ans, or rebuild a list :

 ans = (2-elements list)

  (1) = 2
  (2) = 3


Thanks, finally I got it. In my example I simply write list(a(B)) instead of a(B)
Cheers wingfour

Similar question: How can I select say the third row of a 5x4 matrix?

Sorry I found an answer myself

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Another remark: I have a hard time to understand the explanation of the command vec2list: it says the bigvector is a m by n matrix, and the varsizes entry
is a n by 2 matrix. But in the examples bigvector = 1:4, so m = 1, n = 4, and in the second example varsizes is a 2 by 2 and not a 4 by 2 matrix as requested.

Moreover, in the result of the second example, why does the first row have a ; whereas the second row has a , ??


I agree with you, the documentation of vec2list() is awfull…
