I’m trying to install the ‘apifun’ module, first from the toolbar then from the command line. I get the following output:
atomsDownload: The following file hasn't been downloaded:
- URL : 'https://atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/apifun/0.4.3/files/apifun_0.4.3-61-bin.zip'
- Local location : '/home/mark/scilab-6.1.1/share/scilab/contrib/apifun/apifun_0.4.3-61-bin.zip'
--> atomsInstall("apifun")
atomsDownload: The following file hasn't been downloaded:
- URL : 'https://atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/apifun/0.4.3/files/apifun_0.4.3-61-bin.zip'
- Local location : '/home/mark/scilab-6.1.1/share/scilab/contrib/apifun/apifun_0.4.3-61-bin.zip'
at line 244 of function atomsDownload ( /home/mark/scilab-6.1.1/share/scilab/modules/atoms/macros/atoms_internals/atomsDownload.sci line 259 )
at line 314 of function atomsInstall ( /home/mark/scilab-6.1.1/share/scilab/modules/atoms/macros/atomsInstall.sci line 330 )
--2024-01-15 22:07:25-- https://atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/apifun/0.4.3/files/apifun_0.4.3-61-bin.zip
Resolving atoms.scilab.org (atoms.scilab.org)...
Connecting to atoms.scilab.org (atoms.scilab.org)||:443... connected.
ERROR: cannot verify atoms.scilab.org's certificate, issued by ‘CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA,O=Sectigo Limited,L=Salford,ST=Greater Manchester,C=GB’:
Self-signed certificate encountered.
To connect to atoms.scilab.org insecurely, use `--no-check-certificate'.
I can download the relevant zip file manually, and even put it in the appropriate directory: ‘/home/mark/scilab-6.1.1/share/scilab/contrib/apifun/apifun_0.4.3-61-bin.zip’ but I’m not sure if there is a way to proceed from there.
The root cause seems to be an invalid certificate. I’ve tried this on both v6.1.1 and 2024.0.0, with the same results.
No problem for me this morning with atoms:
--> atomsList
accsum - Accurate summation algorithms
aerospace-toolbox - A toolbox for aerospace engineering
aerospace_blockset - Aerospace Blockset for Xcos providing aerospace blocks based on CelestLab library.
ampl_toolbox - An interface to load .nl files created by AMPL
ampmodulator - A toolbox for viewing graphical output of critical modulation of a message signal.
Analog_and_DigitalCommunication - It contain scilab functions related to analog and digital communnication
Anfislab - This module provide function to train adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system
animaGIF - stand-alone creation of an animated GIF image from images files or from a live figure
ANN_Toolbox - Artificial Neural Network toolbox
apifun - Check input arguments in macros
ardronemodule - Pilot Parrot ARdrone using Xcos blocks
arduino - Arduino Communication through Serial
arfit - Multivariate Autoregressive Model Fitting
Arma_v1 - Integration of Armadillo Package to Scilab as Toolbox
asd - asdasd
Can you give the report given by the following url:
Still same error here with atomsInstall but atomsList seems to work OK.
Startup execution:
loading initial environment
atomsDownload: The following file hasn't been downloaded:
- URL : 'https://atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/apifun/0.4.3/files/apifun_0.4.3-61-bin.zip'
- Local location : '/home/mark/scilab-6.1.1/share/scilab/contrib/apifun/apifun_0.4.3-61-bin.zip'
--> atomsInstall("apifun")
atomsDownload: The following file hasn't been downloaded:
- URL : 'https://atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/apifun/0.4.3/files/apifun_0.4.3-61-bin.zip'
- Local location : '/home/mark/scilab-6.1.1/share/scilab/contrib/apifun/apifun_0.4.3-61-bin.zip'
at line 244 of function atomsDownload ( /home/mark/scilab-6.1.1/share/scilab/modules/atoms/macros/atoms_internals/atomsDownload.sci line 259 )
at line 314 of function atomsInstall ( /home/mark/scilab-6.1.1/share/scilab/modules/atoms/macros/atomsInstall.sci line 330 )
--2024-01-16 07:21:49-- https://atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/apifun/0.4.3/files/apifun_0.4.3-61-bin.zip
Resolving atoms.scilab.org (atoms.scilab.org)...
Connecting to atoms.scilab.org (atoms.scilab.org)||:443... connected.
ERROR: cannot verify atoms.scilab.org's certificate, issued by ‘CN=Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA,O=Sectigo Limited,L=Salford,ST=Greater Manchester,C=GB’:
Self-signed certificate encountered.
To connect to atoms.scilab.org insecurely, use `--no-check-certificate'.
--> atomsList
animaGIF - stand-alone creation of an animated GIF image from images files or from a live figure
ANN_Toolbox - Artificial Neural Network toolbox
apifun - Check input arguments in macros
arduino - Arduino Communication through Serial
assert - A collection of predicate functions
BackDoor - This module opens a BackDoor into Scilab workspace in Scilab 6.0.2
SSLChecker Output shows OK:
atoms.scilab.org resolves to
Server Type: Apache
The certificate should be trusted by all major web browsers (all the correct intermediate certificates are installed).
The certificate was issued by Sectigo.
The certificate will expire in 383 days.
The hostname (atoms.scilab.org) is correctly listed in the certificate.
Common name: www.scilab.org
SANs: www.scilab.org, *.scilab.io, *.scilab.org
Valid from January 2, 2024 to February 2, 2025
Serial Number: 16156ef899626f2b7e1d42942c79362b
Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
Issuer: Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
But the two seem to resolve to different IP addresses…
Further information:
I have tried this on the following platforms:
Ubuntu 20.04, Scilab 2024.0.0, Failed
Ubuntu 18.04, Scilab 6.1.1, Failed
Windows 10, Scilab 6.1.0, Worked OK
It seems to be a network issue on your side. I just tested the installation of apifun on with Scilab 2024.0.0 on Windows 10 and got the following output:
Startup execution:
loading initial environment
--> atomsInstall apifun
Scanning repository https://atoms.scilab.org/2024.0/TOOLBOXES/64 ... Done
Building macros...
-- Creation of [apifunlib] (Macros) --
genlib: Processing file: apifun_argindefault.sci
genlib: Processing file: apifun_checkcallable.sci
genlib: Processing file: apifun_checkcomplex.sci
genlib: Processing file: apifun_checkdims.sci
genlib: Processing file: apifun_checkflint.sci
genlib: Processing file: apifun_checkgreq.sci
genlib: Processing file: apifun_checklhs.sci
genlib: Processing file: apifun_checkloweq.sci
genlib: Processing file: apifun_checkoption.sci
genlib: Processing file: apifun_checkrange.sci
genlib: Processing file: apifun_checkreal.sci
genlib: Processing file: apifun_checkrhs.sci
genlib: Processing file: apifun_checkscalar.sci
genlib: Processing file: apifun_checksquare.sci
genlib: Processing file: apifun_checktype.sci
genlib: Processing file: apifun_checkveccol.sci
genlib: Processing file: apifun_checkvecrow.sci
genlib: Processing file: apifun_checkvector.sci
genlib: Processing file: apifun_expandfromsize.sci
genlib: Processing file: apifun_expandvar.sci
genlib: Processing file: apifun_keyvaluepairs.sci
Building help...
Building the master document:
Building the manual file [javaHelp] in C:\Users\steph\AppData\Roaming\Scilab\scilab-2024.0.0\atoms\x64\apifun\0.4.3\help\en_US.
Generating loader.sce...
Generating unloader.sce...
Generating cleaner.sce...
ans =
"apifun" "0.4.3" "user" "SCIHOME\atoms\x64\apifun\0.4.3" "I"
Before testing again under Windows please remove the whole AppData\Roaming\Scilab\scilab-2024.0.0
Today I installed Scilab 2024.0.0 on my Windows 10 machine and it worked fine.
I also retried with Ubuntu 20.04 and Scilab 2024.0.0 and this time it worked. (Previously it did not.)
Ubuntu 18.04 and Scilab 6.1.1 is still not working but that is not a big issue.
Thank you for your assistance!
The official tar.gz distribution of Scilab 2024.0.0 should work on Ubuntu 18.04 (as it includes all its dependencies). Can you test if the Atoms problem remains ?
Ubuntu 18.04 and Scilab 2024.0.0 is able to load apifun from ATOMS correctly.
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