Xcos example problem "ilib_compile: Error while executing Makelib."

Dear Ms./Mr.

When I tried to run Xcos example RLC circuit, I met the following error message:

Generate a loader file
Generate a Makefile
Running the Makefile
Compilation of DC_DC_Buck_Converter_im.obj
Building shared library (be patient)

“del *.bak”
" 0 [main] sh 24460 find_fast_cwd: WARNING: Couldn’t compute FAST_CWD pointer. Please report this problem to"
“the public mailing list cygwin@cygwin.com
“/usr/bin/sh: del: command not found”
“make: *** [Makelib:131: clean] Error 127”

“sorry compiling problem”
“ilib_compile: Error while executing Makelib.”

I installed the mingw 10.3.0
→ haveacompiler()
ans =


i also have visual studio community 2022 on my computer.
→ msvc = findmsvccompiler()
msvc =


As long as the electrical related simulation will report the above mentioned error, but mechanical and control related is OK.


I restarted my computer,then the result is as follow
→ msvc = findmsvccompiler()
msvc =


→ haveacompiler()
ans =


I recreated the RLC example?

In my computer I do not have MSVC (and not planning to use it). Use mingw either from msys2 or winlibs.

Still gcc is not on my %PATH% and could simulate without issues this setup
