Welcome to the Scilab Discourse! This forum is the place were both beginner and experienced user can help each other and discuss about Scilab (https://www.scilab.org). Here is short list of best practices which will increase the probability that you get a quick answer:
- take the time to read the list of categories and post your message in the one that seems most appropriate, then choose a descriptive title that best qualify your question
- if you include some Scilab code in your question please enclose the code block between triple-backticks ```` (please no code screenshots).
function z=foo(x,y)
inline code or variable names within a sentence are better read when enclosed with a pair of backticks, e.g. typing `foo()` yields
. -
when some code fails in your program try to extract a minimal working (or failing) example and don’t paste the whole stuff in your message.
always precise the Scilab version you are using, the operating system (Windows, Linux or macOS and the OS version) and the harware platform. The best way to give this information is to create a code block with the output of
[version, options] = getversion()
on Scilab command line.
- you can use inline or displayed math formulas by using LaTeX markup enclosed between dollars $ or double dollars $$, respectively, for example
$y=\sum_{i=1}^n x_i$
is rendered as y=\sum_{i=1}^n x_i and
\sum_{k>0}a_n \cos\left(2n\pi \frac{x}{T}\right)
+b_n \sin\left(2n\pi \frac{x}{T}\right)
is displayed like this:
- you can also include screenshots of graphical output by using the
button :