Hello S.,
I am writing to seek your assistance with a script I’m developing, named “main.sci,” which is intended to be universally compatible across different PCs. A key feature of this script is its ability to check for the presence of specific toolboxes. If a required toolbox is not installed, the script will prompt the user to install it. However, I’m encountering a challenge in detecting the SampleStat Toolbox using the getmodules()
Could you advise if there’s an alternative command I should use for this purpose?
Here’s the relevant portion of the script:
// This script checks if the Scilab module named 'module_name' is installed.
// It returns %t if installed, or %f if not.
withStat = with_module("ST_2019");
if withStat == %t then
disp("SampleStat module enabled");
disp("SampleStat module disabled");
res = getmodules()
I appreciate your guidance on this matter.
Best regards.