hi, i have a code, were i can take free currencies datas, i wanted to implement the new timeseries, but
i stuck with creating the timeseries with csv and with the datetime.
Is there not a more elegant way and should the date function not give yyyymmdd like the iso standard?
I suggest to use the readtimeseries function as follows:
A = ["AUD","BRL","CAD","CNY","EUR","GBP","INR","JPY","MXN","USD","ZAR"];
for i = 1:size(A, "c")
http_get("https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=FX_DAILY&from_symbol=CHF&to_symbol="+A(i)+"&outputsize=full&apikey="+"Key"+"&datatype=csv",cert="none", "TMPDIR/data.csv");
TS(A(i)) = readtimeseries("TMPDIR/data.csv");
mat = TS(A(i))(["open", "high", "low", "close"]);
b(i,:) = [min(mat),max(mat)];