Strange Error in datetime()

I have this code i cannot upload because of policy but hier is a snippet:

//Read JSON File from Dashboard Log
for i=1:size(FMS_MQTT_WS)(2);
time(i)=datetime(FMS_MQTT_WS.timestamp(i), “InputFormat”,“yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ”,“OutputFormat”,“yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS”);
TS=timeseries(time, payload)

and some timestamps like:

Startup execution:
loading initial environment

→ exec(‘C:\Users\buehlpas\Documents\Scilab\Scilab-Dashboard.sci’, -1)
at line 62 of function datetimeWithInputFormat ( C:\Program Files\scilab-2025.0.0\modules\time\macros\datetime.sci line 75 )
at line 624 of function datetime ( C:\Program Files\scilab-2025.0.0\modules\time\macros\datetime.sci line 635 )
at line 12 of executed file C:\Users\buehlpas\Documents\Scilab\Scilab-Dashboard.sci

datetime: Unable to convert the time: hours must be in [0, 24], minutes in [0, 59] and seconds in [0, 59].
→ FMS_MQTT_WS.timestamp(16)

ans =


→ FMS_MQTT_WS.timestamp(17)

ans =


and for 16cycles it works and the 17 is Error, but i see no difference between them?


I have opened an issue: datetime("2024-10-29T07:45:59.898Z", "InputFormat","yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ","OutputFormat","yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS") returns an error (#17328) · Issues · scilab / scilab · GitLab

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