Hello Scilab users,
We would like to have your impressions about forthcoming features. They are mainly about differential equations, differential-algebraic and non-linear systems of equations and their solvers as implemented by the recently awarded SUNDIALS solver suite. Preview builds of Scilab allowing to use all the solvers and their features are available at https://www.utc.fr/~mottelet/scilab_for_macOS.html (look for “Sundials/Colpack preview builds”). The help pages (available online) and demos should give you a good idea of the user-friendly features that are available, which can be compared to the actual features of Scilab solvers such as ode() and dassl(). The underlying Sundials library also allows to consider large scale systems of stiff equations (typically coming from discretization of partial differential equations) by specifying sparse Jacobians or sparsity patterns allowing efficient estimation thereof.
This is the occasion of thinking about revamping the differential equations module, which could embrace theses new solvers and the actual ones, in a unified API, which could also propose new solvers. So let us start the discussion !