I can’t find the limits of Scilab scripting: I found only the sentence:
“The number of characters used to define the body of any loop or conditional instruction (if while for or select/case) must be limited to 16 kB.”
This sentence is true for the Scilab 2023.1.0 version also?
Are the comments included in the 16KB limit or they are free?
What is the limit of a single script file?
Whats is the limit of a single function?
Where can I find these infos?
I’m creating a complex app (by “GUI Builder”) and I don’t know what are the constraints of the scripting language…
If you plan to develop a complex application in Scilab I am affraid that using GUI builder is not a good option. This toolbox is fine to create small GUIs but lacks the precise control provided by layouts and constraints, which are unavoidable for complex GUIs.
Moreover, the 16kB limitation of loop bodies is not an issue and neither the limit size of a script or a function. If your application is really complex and if you want it to be maintainable, you should rather rely on small functions gathered in separate libraries, not on huge scripts. See e.g. genlib - Builds a library from a set of *.sci files defining functions in a given directory