Scicv development


is there any recent activity in the further development of scicv?


scicv uses as image type a Mat object.

As of scicv 0.6.2 it seems to impossible to perform pixel manipulation such as:

imgColor         = [255 0 0];   // define a blue background  (BGR)
img              = new_Mat(100, 100, CV_8UC3, imgColor);   // create the image
img(10:20,10:20) = [0 0 255]    // change some pixels to red

The help page on “Mat” states:

extraction      syntax is the same a the usual Scilab extraction...
insertion       not yet available
concatenation   not yet available

Best Regards,

If you want to be able to do such operations, you should use IPCV instead of scicv, which took the strict option consisiting in no systematic OpenCV to Scilab matrix conversion. As a result, scicv is far faster than IPCV when you are piping successive image transformations and processings.
