Scatter3d and single point coordinates


maybe I am just confused, but:

I try to follow the order of appearance of a set point x-y-z coordinates.
I other words: I would like to show each point one after another, to check if they appear in the correct order / sequence.

Background: Many sensors are installed in a specific order but they are displayed in a different order.

To have a connection between installation and display I would use a look up table (LUT), e.g.: installed sensor #1 appears in the display at position 32.

Now, if I want to display the sensors in the order they are appear, I can do that as follows:

for i = 1:nrOfSensors
    plot(xc_sensors(sensor_LUT(i)), zc_sensors(sensor_LUT(i)), '-obl');
// xc_sensor = x-coordinate of installed sensor
// zc_sensor = z-coordinate of installed sensor

However, if I want to do this in a 3D plot I kind of struggle.

scatter3d, plot3d, etc seem to accept only vectors but no single scalars?



does not work … so: how to plot a single point in 3D ?

I do can do:

for i = 1:nrOfSensors
    x = xc_sensors(sensor_LUT(i));
    y = yc_sensors(sensor_LUT(i));
    z = zc_sensors(sensor_LUT(i))
    scatter3d([x x], [y y], [z z]);

but is this the way to go?

Thank you,