Problems solving system in xcos

Hello, I need some help with drawing xcos program to give me graphs of system reacting when specific starting force is aplied.
I am trying to do this problem for 2 days and I am getting algebraic loop error.
I need your help!


This only doable with a Modelica block because the system is not an ode but a dae (differential algebraic equation). Here is the zcos file of Xcos diagram below (\phi is red and x_V is blue in the screenshot): cart.zcos (3.6 KB)

The most interesting part is the Modelica script (which is in the last dialog of the block).

class cart
      Real           x_V ;
      Real           v_V ;
      Real           phi ;
      Real           omega ;
      parameter Real m_V;
      parameter Real m_N;
      parameter Real l ;
      parameter Real g ;
      //input variables
      Real F;
      //output variables
      Real xval,phival;
    xval = x_V;
    phival = phi;
end cart;

Status of variables (parameters ,states, inputs or outputs) is set in the first dialogs of the block

as well as the name of the system. It can be replaced by the path of a file containing the source of the modelica script. Values of parameters and initial conditions of the states are given in the next dialog. Warning: these values always override the values defined in the Modelica script itself (either in the dialog or in a local file):
Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 15.10.35
When not in a local file the script is entered in the last dialog:
