Hi there,
here are the two bugs that should be so obvious that probably you already know:
- When I copy and paste an Xcos model (all select, CTRL+C, CTRL+V) the connections lines are multiplied three fold. All lines are perfectly mathing each other so it’s not possible to see the issue. When runnig the model, I get an error about port dimensions.
- When a block is already selected and I want to select only a line, the block remains selected. I expect the block to be deselected when selecting something else.
Are there some fixes for those?
Many thanks
Since nobody replied, I’ll add a few more:
When using a super block with a mask of parameters, if the mask is removed (e.g. to edit the block diagram inside) and then I run the simulation, the results are wrong but no error or warning is issued. As soon I restore the mask, the simulation results are as expected. Some other times, the simulation simply takes forever, also no error.
Having to remove the mask, close the window, restore the mask costs at arround 5 clicks. When experimenting with often changes to the content of the mask it really annoying. To be able to leave the mask content opened while running the next simulation would be nice. In general it would be nice to have a context menu entry for simply editing the content of the mask, the model itself.