errbar() is great for displaying uncertainties of data points in a xy-diagram. However, it is only a thin black line: how can I make it thicker, colours, provide endcap?
Best greetings
What about:
errbar(); // NOTE: add vertical error bars on a 2D plot
a = gca();
e = a.children(1);
e.thickness = 2; // changing error bar thickness
e.segs_color = 2; // changing error bar colors
for colors, individual error bars can be reached like this:
e.segs_color(i) = …
with i = 1:nrOfErrorBars
// Some kind of endcaps:
e.mark_mode = ‘on’
e.mark_style = 2;
e.mark_size = 0;
e.mark_foreground = 2;
If you like to have horizontal lines as endcaps, a nasty option would be to plot these line separatly since there is no “-” in LineSpec → marker type. (Scilab 6.1.0)
Besides: I guess errbar() plots the vertikal lines all as single lines…see:
Great many thanks.