Hi, i wanted do load the swissmap JSON file from GADM into Scilab 2023.1. Level 0 works with 34kb. But Level 1 with unzipped 134kb crashes Scilab on windows 11. Could anyone confirm this, before making a Bug.

M.f.G. Pascal

[res, status] = http_get(“","C:\Users\buehlpas\Documents\Scilab\”);

[output,bOK]=dos(“cd C:\Users\buehlpas\Documents\Scilab\ && tar -xf”);

result = fromJSON(“C:\Users\buehlpas\Documents\Scilab\gadm41_CHE_1.json”, “file”);

//[result, status] = http_get(“”, format=“JSON”);

Hi Pascal
I can make these commands run fine, if I change to single-quotes (changing path to my user space):

→ [res, status] = http_get(‘’,'D:\Userdata\Claus\Documents\Scilab\’);

→ [output,bOK]=dos(‘cd D:\Userdata\Claus\Documents\Scilab && tar -xf’);

result = fromJSON(‘D:\Userdata\Claus\Documents\Scilab\gadm41_CHE_0.json’, ‘file’);

Note how CHE_1 changes name to CHE_0 (not sure why, looks confusing, but that’s what is inside the ZIP file).

Cannot upload ZIP or JSON data? Have to do it this way (40.0 KB)

but just remove sod, unzip the file and you have the JSON File from GADM

Thanks :slight_smile:

Tried with Scilab 2024.0 following code:


[CHF_0, status]=http_get(URL(1)+"_"+countries(1)+"_"+depth(1)+ending(3), format="JSON");

[res, status]=http_get(URL(1)+"_"+countries(1)+"_"+depth(2)+ending(3)+ending(4),path(1)+"GADM");
CHF_1=fromJSON(files, "file");

works, but fromJSON crashes?


You are right, there is a crash (tested on Scilab 2024.0.0 macOS version). Can you take the time to create a Gitlab account and create an issue at Issues · scilab / scilab · GitLab? Please include your code above as modified (I have changed the path of the file so that anybody can copy/paste it).


1 Like

Thank You, now CADM works perfectly in Scilab.

I made my plots with extracting the Datas out of the structs.

Now i have another question in the struct there is this structure at the end:
coordinates: --1 (sub --1 ,–2) --2, --3 and --4.
So how do i parse this elegantly in one for loop, to obtain all values in a row, i tried many ways, (try-catch 7 index i,j) etc, but none of them was satisfying. Any Ideas or suggestions?

Hello, when Scilab displays

--> CHF_0.features.geometry.coordinates

 ans = (4-elements list)

  (1): (2-elements list)
      (1): [1806x2 double]
      (2): [33x2 double]
  (2): [5x2 double]
  (3): [5x2 double]
  (4): [5x2 double]

you don’t need to parse anything, I mean, for example you get the last [5x2 double] with


and the [1806x2 double] at the begining with



I could not directly make a picture, but here it is.

maybe this helps.

Parentally Julia does this. Actually, I found Julia and Scilab quite similar on the surface.

M.f.G. Pascal


thats the point, i wanna parse anythig with one loop. :grin:

Structs are structs… there is no way to automatically serialize this type of object.


Ok, if it’s so, it’s so. Thanks :slight_smile:

For very special cases, you can serialize structs, typically when the fields are on the same level, of array type, and can be concatenated along a given dimension, e.g.:

clear a

which yields

--> a.x=1:3

 a = [struct] with fields:

  x = [1,2,3]

--> a.y=sin(1:3)

 a = [struct] with fields:

  x = [1,2,3]
  y = [0.841471,0.9092974,0.14112]

--> cat(1,a(fieldnames(a)))

 ans = [2x3 double]

   1.         2.          3.     
   0.841471   0.9092974   0.14112

see the respective help pages fieldnames - Get a tlist, mlist or struct fields names, cat - Stacks vectors matrices or arrays into an hypermatrix or hyperarray


I will try this, thanks :slight_smile:

M.f.G. Pascal

Na, not really what i want.
I’ve tried something else like if error “Invalid index” then continue else take the datas, but it does not work. i somehow need to handle this “Invalid index”.

M.f.G. Pascal

PS: With CURL will there be also a toolbox for MQTT an WS?

Not to my knowledge…
