From Workspace Block Scilab 2023.1.0 and macOS

Dear All,

I am a newbie to this forum although I have been using Scilab and Xcos for some years now. I am asking for some help/advice.

My problem is that with Scilab 2023.1.0, I am unable to use the the From Workspace block on my MacBook Pro (Ventura 13.4.1). It was working previously with older versions of Scilab but not now. To try and solve this I used the example given in the Scilab help documentation. This involves the From Workspace block, a gain function a Cscope and a timer. I have also set the V structure in the workspace with a time and a value vector.

The error I get is “Initialisation problem: Invalid variable type”, which appears at the From Workspace block in Xcos. Scilab Console gives “Invalid variable type.”

I have checked the value and the time vector in the Console and all seems fine.

Any help would be appreciated.



It looks very strange to me and might likely be a useability issue. Could you post your schema and the companion sample script to setup the variable ?

Hello David,

The diagram in the help page of the From Workspace block raises the same error on Windows:

  "The 'V' variable does not exist."


Dear David,

The code and block diagram are the ones in the Scilab help: -



Does anyone have any suggestions on how to resolve the from Workspace Block problem when using scilab 2023.1.0?



It is fixed in the development version (xcos: fix FROMWS after 611cb815 (!506) · Merge requests · scilab / scilab · GitLab) and will be available in the next release (around mid-october).

Dear Stéphane,

Thank you. It is much appreciated.

