Demo - kalman Filter block. Where is the interfacing file for all the block?

In demo, there are many block has been mention but we cant debug scicos model due Problem in port. So I am looking forward to working on the my scilab script to develop own block who works same as mention demo file.

Kalman_Filter_IF.sci (3.4 KB)

Kalman_Filter_SIM.sci (1.9 KB)
Kalman_Filter_Utils.sci (1.0 KB)
System_IF.sci (3.1 KB)I have made System Block but the plot doesnot give same value as mention in demo.
Kalman_block_testing.zcos (3.9 KB)

There is an issue with Kalman Filter file. So please provide me some suggestion to create same block file in my own script. Thank you

Can you rung my zcos file? It is not working so I want to know how you did it?

System_SIM.sci (4.8 KB)