Check progress of ode() execution

If the execution of ode() lasts for hours it would be helpful to get an intermediate information about how far ode has come, e. g. by periodic output of t. How can I modify the derivative function to this purpose? Given is t=t0 : dt : tEnd.
Regards Jens


With ode(), you can’t. Use one of the Sundials solvers instead (cvode() or arkode()), as a callback can be triggered at each internal or user step (Callback - Specifying a user callback).
However, if ode() is too slow for your problem, maybe you are not selecting an adequate method. For example, if your problem is stiff, you should use an implicit method (ode(), “stiff” option, or cvode() “BDF” method, or any “DIRK_n” method of arkode()).


Thanks! I’ll try.