Special C++ api?


The help chapter “Getting started with API_Scilab” gives us an example based on the api_scilab.h header file.
I saw that there exist in the folder Scilab\contrib\toolbox_skeleton\sci_gateway\cpp another API for C++. Is this API official and will it be maintained in the futur ?

Hello, welcome there !

What I can say is that it is the de facto standard, as all older gateways APIs are wrappers on this new C++ API. In all my contributions (in Scilab itself, or in toolboxes, such as sci_ipopt), I have exclusively used this API. Maybe someone else (@vincent.couvert) can say why we don’t promote it ?


Hello mottelet,

You convinced me to use this C++ API in the futur.
Thank you for your answer and for all the work you do for the community !


Here is an example:

"#define __STDCPP_WANT_MATH_SPEC_FUNCS__ 1                                                               "
"#include <cmath>                                                                                        "
"#include ""double.hxx""                                                                                 "
"#include ""function.hxx""                                                                               "
"extern ""C""                                                                                            "
"{                                                                                                       "
"#include ""Scierror.h""                                                                                 "
"#include ""localization.h""                                                                             "
"}                                                                                                       "
"/* ==================================================================== */                              "
"types::Function::ReturnValue sci_zeta(types::typed_list &in, int _iRetCount, types::typed_list &out)    "
"{                                                                                                       "
"    types::Double* pDblOut;                                                                             "
"    types::Double* pDblIn;                                                                              "
"    if (in.size() != 1)                                                                                 "
"    {                                                                                                   "
"        Scierror(77, _(""%s: Wrong number of input argument(s): %d expected.\n""), ""zeta"", 1);        "
"        return types::Function::Error;                                                                  "
"    }                                                                                                   "
"    if (_iRetCount > 1)                                                                                 "
"    {                                                                                                   "
"        Scierror(78, _(""%s: Wrong number of output argument(s): %d expected.""), ""zeta"", 1);         "
"        return types::Function::Error;                                                                  "
"    }                                                                                                   "
"    if (in[0]->isDouble() == false || in[0]->getAs<types::Double>()->isComplex())                       "
"    {                                                                                                   "
"            Scierror(999, _(""%s: Wrong type for input argument #%d: real expected.\n""), ""zeta"", 1); "
"            return types::Function::Error;                                                              "
"    }                                                                                                   "
"    pDblIn = in[0]->getAs<types::Double>();                                                             "
"    pDblOut = pDblIn->clone();                                                                          "
"    for (int i = 0 ; i < pDblIn->getSize() ; ++i)                                                       "
"    {                                                                                                   "
"        pDblOut->set(i,std::riemann_zeta(pDblIn->get(i)));                                              "
"    }                                                                                                   "
"    out.push_back(pDblOut);                                                                             "
"    return types::Function::OK;                                                                         "
"}                                                                                                       "
files = fullfile(TMPDIR,"sci_zeta.cpp");
ilib_build("zeta", ["zeta" "sci_zeta" "cppsci"],files,[])
exec loader.sce
