Great visual debuging and variables inspection

I’m trying the VScode with Scilab (WIN10-64 installations):
first: it’s very great this environment especially for visual debuging, long awaited features !!! thank you ! :grinning:
Easy debuging then easy and safe coding, you can see the content of any type of scilab variables in the tree view (Variables or Watch), much smarter than in original coding environment.

Yet still an issue around Scilab Language Server :slightly_frowning_face: : I made the VScode settings and debug configuration as explained in getting started, with no trouble during a while (5 s), when trying to write/edit the current .sci file, after a while I got error message in the output tab Scilab Language Server (when moving the mouse over any scilab function ( mgetl, csvTextScan,…) or argument autocompletion of function, ).
While was showing nicely the documentation as hint during a few seconds, it issues the error message in Output tab:

[Error - 5:27:59 PM] Stopping server failed
  Message: Cannot call write after a stream was destroyed
  Code: -32099 
[Error - 5:27:59 PM] Stopping server failed
  Message: Cannot call write after a stream was destroyed
  Code: -32099 
[Error - 5:27:59 PM] Server process exited with code 3221226505.

After that, I can’t recover the environment features automatic function argument completion or documentation about function under the mouse pointer, until I restart VScode or start to write a new file.

Also the function list in current file is not anymore available in OUTLINE view and the CTRL+click on scilab function neither works when the scilab language server issues.

Let me know if I can perform further test or check settings, to support you fixing the issue…



I suspect that the issue with Scilab Language Server comes from the Scilab 2025.0.0 installation in User\AppData\Local\Scilab 2025.0.0 directory instead of Program Files\Scilab 2025.0.0 in my machine at the office. Indeed I tested VS Code on my personal machine, with Scilab 2025.0.0 installed in Program Files and everything is working like a charm there, at least during 1 minute.
However IT policy doesn’t allow me to install easily in Program Files to test on my machine at the office…


Whenever Scilab2025.0.0 installed for all users in Program files, with local admin privileges, re-installing the scilab extension for VSCode doesn’t change any behaviour, neither fix the issue => I will raise the issue in gitlab.


Hi all,
issue was raised at Scilab Language Extension startup because of internal toolbox’s documentation autoloaded at Scilab startup : now everything is running well knowing that en_US help directory is mandatory in the inline help directory.

Thank you for developing such a Scilab integration in VSCode, really handy !