Dear Scilabers
I have tried to solve a polynomial for roots and find the positive (real) root.
In Python the following code works successfully:
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
c1 = 27.9811
c2 = 30.9583
f = lambda x: x**4 - c1*x**3 + c2*x - 1
result = fsolve(f, 1.0)
print(result) # This returns 1.0557487789221027
I have tried to replicate this in Scilab as follows:
c1 = 27.9811
c2 = 30.9583
p = %s.^4 - c1*%s.^3 + c2*%s - 1
r = roots(p, 'f')
ir = find(r==abs(r)) // find positive real root, index ir
disp(r(ir)) // This returns 27.981085, not the answer I want
r =
0.0211731 + 0.0243569i
0.0211731 - 0.0243569i
-0.0423195 + 0.i
27.981085 + 0.i
If on the other hand I replace r = roots(p, ‘f’) with:
r = roots(p, 'e') // find eigenvalues
This returns:
r =
27.941504 + 0.i
-1.0484733 + 0.i
1.0557487 + 0.i
0.032332 + 0.i
One of these solutions is the answer I’m looing for, namely the third line (see comment in Python code).
I just wonder if anyone can explain the differences I am observing here.
The python code contains a starting estimate for fsolve (= 1.0) and finds the nearest root. Is there a similar way in Scilab?
With kind regards,