Converting xml to html help file


I have some problems converting a xml file to a html file.

Purpose: Create a help file for a function.

In Scilab 2024 I got an error about environment variable.

In Scilab 2025 I get an error, which translates into english maybe like this:

buildDoc: Excecution of Java Stack: at org.scilab.modules.helptools.SciDocMain.process(Unknown Source)

I try to use: xmltohtml(), here is my attemp

DIR = 'myDirectory' // contains a xml file

From my understanding that should convert all xml files in DIR into html files. (?)

Question: Is it necessary to build a toolbox before using xmltohtml.

I did search the xml file for missing tag(s), but didn’t see one.

Attached please find the xml file.

bmp2mat.xml (2.5 KB)

Best Regards,


using consolebox('on') I could find some error in the <link>section.

  • removed the links

In the header I added

version="5.0-subset Scilab" xml:lang="en"

Now consolebox output is:

Total files without example: 1
Total generated html files: 3

In the windows folder structure

scilab_en_US_help is created as a new folder
master_help.xml is created as a new file

The Scilab console outputs:

Building the manual file [html] in pathTOMyHelpFile.


if the path to the XML folder is: D:\Scilab\bmp2mat\help

the html files are created at D:\Scilab\html\en_US

Best Regards,