Simple date and time plotting on x-axis

Hello Stephane, hello Adeline
From Scilab 3DS team in Scilab 2024.0.0 release, there was unexpected very positive answer, to my lack of responsiveness (sorry) to describe the expected behaviour of such date and time data !
Indeed the new features around timeseries and underlaying datetime are moving fast in the right direction from my perspective , thank you all ! I didn’t take time yet to implement these new features in replacement of previous workarounds that I was using in my previous works, macros etc… but I evaluate, from help pages of these new features, that most of them are now well covered.

The main limitation i’m noticing is related to plot of datetime objects (underlaying representation is still datenum I guess, as a number of days since 1-Jan-0000 ?) ,topic of this post . It is directly linked with stackedplot which is not (yet) providing flexibility in data “investigation” or “first visualization” phase, when digging into data and trying to figure out what is happening in details, you need to zoom frequently, measure some time intervals between singular points,… Then I feel some improvements could be brought specifically to date&time objects visualization, about the following aspects:

  • multiple , successive zoom in and out on graphic figure time- x- axis => how to have relevant x-axis auto-ticks to suit to the current level of zoom?
  • datatips : optional adapted format for X: labels to ease readability in case of sate and time objects?

These comments are illustrated on the figure below, obtained from stackedplot last example in help page:

Thank you for the discussion and the developments already performed
