On JupyterLab, I would like to make Notebook(.ipynb) for Scilab(.sce) etc


I have tried to install all required stuff from scratch on a fresh and non-admin “avuser” user account on a Windows 10 Pro (21H2) machine. Here is what it did, without having to get admin rights at anytime:

  1. install Scilab 2023.1.0 in default path
  2. install python for windows (https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.11.5/python-3.11.5-amd64.exe) and check “add Python to path” during installation
  3. pip install jupyter (on cmd command line)
  4. pip install scilab_kernel (on cmd command line)
  5. Add Scilab bin folder to Path user environment variable (on cmd command line)
setx Path "%Path%;C:\Users\avuser\AppData\Local\scilab-2023.1.0\bin"

Note: the SCILAB_EXECUTABLE environment variable seems useless in the current version of the Scilab kernel.

  1. logout/login the Windows session.

I was then able to launch a notebook (on cmd command line) with:

python -m notebook

The notebook started with the default Python kernel, I then choosed ‘Scilab’ from the kernel menu, and typed in the first cell


followed by Ctrl + Enter, I obtained the following: